Open Book icons

Open Book is a set of icons specially designed with accessibility and legibility in mind. They cover a wide range of formats used by libraries or organisations that cater to users with visual impairment, dyslexia or other print disabilities.
The icons are designed to be highly legible with high contrasts and simple forms and for both print and screen. The icons can be found in both the EPS and SVG file format.
The Open Book Icons are designed by graphic designer Anders Seierøe Mortensen at Nota. The Open Book Icons are initially designed to be used for Nota’s online library.
Usage and rights
The icons are free to use for all non-commercial libraries and organisations or projects.
Please DO feel free to change the color or size or export them to the file-format that suits your purpose the best.
Please DON'T make any other alterations to the icons, like adding text or new elements. If there’s a new or alternative format you need and can’t find in this set, please contact us and we’ll figure out something.
When possible please credit Anders Seierøe Mortensen/Nota as the creator.
The Open Book Icons are licensed under Creative Commons. Read more about CC here: