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The war for talent
The war for talent
Ed Michaels
Helen Handfield-Jones og Beth Axelrod
Ed Michaels, Helen Handf...
Human resource management
Human resource management
Karen Legge
Karen Legge
Strategic management communication
Strategic management communication
Robyn Walker
Robyn Walker
Videnledelse i praksis
Videnledelse i praksis
Henrik W. Bendix og Anders Harbo
Henrik W. Bendix og Ande...
Managing complex projects and programs
Managing complex projects and progra...
Richard J. Heaslip
Richard J. Heaslip
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Charles H. Matthews og Ralph Brueggemann
Charles H. Matthews og R...
Takeovers, restructuring, and corporate governance
Takeovers, restructuring, and corpor...
Fred Weston
Mark L. Mitchell og J. Harold Mulherin
Fred Weston, Mark L. Mit...
Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneu...
Michael H. Morris
Donald F. Kuratko og Jeffrey G. Covin
Michael H. Morris, Donal...
The Lean games and simulations book
The Lean games and simulations book
John Bicheno
John Bicheno
The context of business
The context of business
Len Karakowsky og Natalie Guriel
Len Karakowsky og Natali...
Organisasjonsendringer og endringsledelse
Organisasjonsendringer og endringsle...
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Operations management
Operations management
Lee J. Krajewski
Manoj K. Malhotra og Larry P. Ritzman
Lee J. Krajewski, Manoj ...
Advertising and Promotion
Advertising and Promotion
George E. Belch og Michael A. Belch
George E. Belch og Micha...
Strategic management of information systems
Strategic management of information ...
Keri E. Pearlson og Carol S. Saunders
Keri E. Pearlson og Caro...
Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets
Handbook of human resource managemen...
Strategi i praksis
Strategi i praksis
Michael Jessen Holm m.fl.
Michael Jessen Holm m.fl.
The history of management thought
The history of management thought
Daniel A. Wren
Daniel A. Wren
Coaching for performance
Coaching for performance
John Whitmore
John Whitmore
Ego, authority, failure
Ego, authority, failure
Derek Gaunt
Derek Gaunt
Grundwissen Wirtschaft
Grundwissen Wirtschaft
Günther Ashauer
Günther Ashauer
The 4 day week
The 4 day week
Andrew Barnes
Andrew Barnes
Mergers and acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions
Developing strategies for change
Developing strategies for change
John Darwin
Phil Johnson og John McAuley
John Darwin, Phil Johnso...
Customer advisory boards
Customer advisory boards
Tony Carter
Tony Carter
Iagttagelsens praksis
Iagttagelsens praksis
Pia Bramming og Christine Mølgaard Frandsen
Pia Bramming og Christin...
The human side of mergers and acquisitions
The human side of mergers and acquis...
Anthony F. Buono og James L. Bowditch
Anthony F. Buono og Jame...
Developing a positive culture where people and performance thrive
Developing a positive culture where ...
Marcella Bremer
Marcella Bremer
The product manager's desk reference
The product manager's desk refe...
Steven Haines
Steven Haines
Eliot Freidson
Eliot Freidson
Production and supply chain management
Production and supply chain manageme...
Christoph Glock
Christoph Glock
Bag om corporate communication
Bag om corporate communication
Lars Thøger Christensen og Mette Morsing
Lars Thøger Christensen ...
Strategi, ledelse og intuition
Strategi, ledelse og intuition
Mette Vinther Larsen
Mette Vinther Larsen
Værdibaseret ledelse
Værdibaseret ledelse
Peter Beyer
Peter Beyer
Oversigt over styringsformer
Oversigt over styringsformer
John Johansen
John Johansen
Better allies
Better allies
Karen Catlin
Karen Catlin
Cannibals with forks
Cannibals with forks
John Elkington
John Elkington
Strategic staffing
Strategic staffing
Jean Phillips
Jean Phillips
Essentials of Strategic Management
Essentials of Strategic Management
John Gamble
John Gamble
Ledelse i landbruget
Ledelse i landbruget
Lotte Lüscher
Bent Vestergaard og Thomas Asmussen
Lotte Lüscher, Bent Vest...
Competing in the connecting world
Competing in the connecting world
Gregg Garrett og Warren Ritchie
Gregg Garrett og Warren ...
Organization development and transformation
Organization development and transfo...
Wendell L. French
Cecil H. Bell og Robert A. Zawacki
Wendell L. French, Cecil...
Digitale indfødte på job
Digitale indfødte på job
Søren Schultz Hansen
Søren Schultz Hansen
Lean i service & administration
Lean i service & administration
Don Tapping og Tom Shuker
Don Tapping og Tom Shuker
Making sense of change management
Making sense of change management
Esther Cameron og Mike Green
Esther Cameron og Mike G...
Corporate social responsibility and human resource management
Corporate social responsibility and ...
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Ma...
John Mangan m.fl.
John Mangan m.fl.
Creative construction
Creative construction
Gary P. Pisano
Gary P. Pisano
Business model generation
Business model generation
Alexander Ostenwalder og Yves Pigneur
Alexander Ostenwalder og...
Ledelse i praksis
Ledelse i praksis
Erik Staunstrup
Lone Hermann og Niels Vestergaard Olsen
Erik Staunstrup, Lone He...
Global business today
Global business today
Charles W. L. Hill
Charles W. L. Hill
Special cases of business valuation
Special cases of business valuation
Marco Vulpiani
Marco Vulpiani
The McKinsey mind
The McKinsey mind
Ethan M. Rasiel og Paul N. Friga
Ethan M. Rasiel og Paul ...
Real-life BPMN
Real-life BPMN
Jacob Freund og Bernd Rücker
Jacob Freund og Bernd Rü...
Process mapping
Process mapping
V.Daniel Hunt
V.Daniel Hunt
Business model generation
Business model generation
Alexander Osterwalder og Yves Pigneur
Alexander Osterwalder og...
Human resources
Human resources
Arne Steen Sørensen og Henrik Stordal
Arne Steen Sørensen og H...
Value proposition design
Value proposition design
Alexander Osterwalder m.fl.
Alexander Osterwalder m....
Den frygtløse organisation
Den frygtløse organisation
Amy C. Edmondson
Amy C. Edmondson
Psykologi i organisation og ledelse
Psykologi i organisation og ledelse
Geir Kaufmann og Astrid Kaufmann
Geir Kaufmann og Astrid ...
Ledelse, organisering og strategisering
Ledelse, organisering og strategiser...
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