Water quality and treatment
A handbook on drinking water
med litteraturhenvisninger Indhold: Chapter 1. Drinking Water Standards, Regulations, and Goals; Chapter 2. Health and Aesthetic Aspects of Drinking Water; Chapter 3. Chemical Principles, Source Water Composition, and Watershed Protection; Chapter 4. Hydraulic Characteristics of Water Treatment Reactors and their Effects on Treatment Efficiency; Chapter 5. Overview of Water Treatment Processes; Chapter 6. Gas-Liquid Processes: Principles and Applications; Chapter 7. Chemical Oxidation; Chapter 8. Coagulation and Focculation; Chapter 9. Sedimentation and Flotation; Chapter 10. Granular Media Filtration; Chapter 11. Membranes; Chapter 12. Ion Exchange and Adsorption of Inorganic Contaminants; Chapter 13. Precipitation, Coprecipitation, and Precipitative Softening; Chapter 14. Adsorption of Organic Compounds; Chapter 15. Natural Treatment Systems; Chapter 16. Water Reuse for Drinking Water Augmentation; Chapter 17. Chemical Disinfection; Chapter 18. Ultraviolet Light Processes; Chapter 19. Formation and Control or Disinfection By-Products; Chapter 20. Internal Corrosion and Deposition Control; Chapter 21. Microbiology Quality Control in Distribution Systems; Chapter 22. Water Treatment Residuals Management; Appendix A: Chemical Elements; Appendix B: Useful Constants; Appendix C: Conversion Factors: Appendix D: Physical Properties of Water and Gases; Index