Plant and soil science
fundamentals and applications
PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO PLANTS. 1: The Plant Kingdom. Objectives. Key Terms. Introduction. Evolution of Plants. Geographical Distribution. Roles of Plants. Taxonomy. Research. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 2: Origins of Cultivated Plants. Objectives. Key Terms. Origin and Development of Cultivated Plants. New Crops and New Uses. Protection of Germplasm. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 3: Structure of Cultivated Plants. Objectives. Key Terms. Plan of the Entire Plant. Seeds. Using Plant Structure. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 4: Anatomy of Plants. Objectives. Key Terms. The Cell and Its Structure. Tissues. Anatomy of Primary Organs. Primary and Secondary Growth. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. PART 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL SCIENCE. 5: Soil Materials and Formation. Objectives. Key Terms. Introduction to Soils. Rocks and Minerals. Five Factors. Soil Profile. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 6: Soil Characteristics, Classifications and Use. Objectives. Key Terms. Soil Definitions. Physical Properties. Chemical Properties. Organic Matter. Soil Classification. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 7: Soil Fertility and Management. Objectives. Key Terms. Essential Nutrients and their Roles in Plants. Fertilizers. Secondary and Micronutrients. Nutrient Availability and Plant Uptake. Nutrient Interactions. Soil pH. Soil Testing. Foliar Symptoms. Choosing the Fertilizer Source. Fertilizer Placement. Other Fertilizer Sources. Animal Manures. Compost. Soil Management. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 8: Soil-less Plant Production. Objectives. Key Terms. Container Growing. Hydroponics. Aquaponics. Summary. Review. Knowledge Applied. Resources. 9: Irrigation. Objectives. Key Terms. Characteristics of Water. Role of Water In Plants. Precipitation. Water Loss in Plants. Water for Plants. Movement of Water. Water in the Soil. Irrigation. Summary. Review. Kno