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Emneord: Statistiske metoder
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The little SAS book
The little SAS book
Ronald N. Forthofer
Eun Sul Lee
Mike Hernandez
Ronald N. Forthofer, Eun...
Demographic methods
Demographic methods
Andrew Hinde
Andrew Hinde
Application of quantitative methods in veterinary epidemiology
Application of quantitative methods ...
Making sense of factor analysis
Making sense of factor analysis
Marjorie A. Pett
Nancy R. Lackey og John J. Sullivan
Marjorie A. Pett, Nancy ...
Samuel H. Preston
Patrick Heuveline og Michel Guillot
Samuel H. Preston, Patri...
Anvendt statistik
Anvendt statistik
Kenneth Hansen
Kenneth Hansen
Medicinsk statistik
Medicinsk statistik
Andreas Habicht
Andreas Habicht
Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics
Discovering statistics using IBM SPS...
Andy Field
Andy Field
Deskriptiv statistik
Deskriptiv statistik
Erik M. Bøye
Erik M. Bøye
Applied statistics for engineers and scientists
Applied statistics for engineers and...
David M. Levine
Patricia P. Ramsey og Robert K. Smidt
David M. Levine, Patrici...
Analyse af spørgeskemadata med SPSS
Analyse af spørgeskemadata med SPSS
Jan Møller Jensen
Thorbjørn Knudsen og René H. Jørgensen
Jan Møller Jensen, Thorb...
Statistics for business and economics
Statistics for business and economics
Paul Newbold
William L. Carlson
Betty M. Thorne
Paul Newbold, William L....
Research Design
Research Design
John W. Creswell og J. David Creswell
John W. Creswell og J. D...
Simpel tabelanalyse
Simpel tabelanalyse
Peter Gundelach
Peter Gundelach
Statistik for praktikere
Statistik for praktikere
Jesper Blom-Hanssen
Jesper Blom-Hanssen
Statistical methods for engineers
Statistical methods for engineers
G. Geoffrey Vining og Scott Kowalski
G. Geoffrey Vining og Sc...
Understanding psychology as a science
Understanding psychology as a science
Zoltan Dienes
Zoltan Dienes
Basic biostatistics
Basic biostatistics
B. Burt Gerstman
B. Burt Gerstman
Statistical quality control
Statistical quality control
Douglas C. Montgomery
Douglas C. Montgomery
Statistical methods for the social sciences
Statistical methods for the social s...
Alan Agresti og Barbara Finlay
Alan Agresti og Barbara ...
Statistikk for universiteter og høgskoler
Statistikk for universiteter og høgs...
Gunnar G. Løvås
Gunnar G. Løvås
A primer of ecological statistics
A primer of ecological statistics
Nicholas J. Gotelli og Aaron M. Ellison
Nicholas J. Gotelli og A...
Statistical inference for spatial processes
Statistical inference for spatial pr...
Brian D. Ripley
Brian D. Ripley
Kvantitative metoder
Kvantitative metoder
Kvantitative metoder
Kvantitative metoder
Discovering statistics using SPSS
Discovering statistics using SPSS
Andy Field
Andy Field
Praktisk statistisk metode for økonomer
Praktisk statistisk metode for økono...
Mikael Trier og Per Ulstrup Johansen
Mikael Trier og Per Ulst...