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Emneord: Software
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Computere og Internet for seniorer
Computere og Internet for seniorer
Mary Furlong og Stefan B. Lipson
Mary Furlong og Stefan B...
Developer testing
Developer testing
Alexander Tarlinder
Alexander Tarlinder
Practioner's guide to requirements management
Practioner's guide to requireme...
Elizabeth Larson og Richard Larson
Elizabeth Larson og Rich...
Gunther Verheyen
Gunther Verheyen
Introducing Delphi programming
Introducing Delphi programming
John Barrow m.fl.
John Barrow m.fl.
Simulation with Arena
Simulation with Arena
W. David Kelton
Randall P. Sadowski og Nancy B. Zupick
W. David Kelton, Randall...
Martin Fowler
Martin Fowler
Software engineering
Software engineering
Václav Rajlich
Václav Rajlich
24 deadly sins of software security
24 deadly sins of software security
Michael Howard
David LeBlanc og John Viega
Michael Howard, David Le...
Refactoring to patterns
Refactoring to patterns
Joshua Kerievsky
Joshua Kerievsky
Reactive systems
Reactive systems
Luca Aceto m.fl.
Luca Aceto m.fl.
Teknologi og immaterialret
Teknologi og immaterialret
Per Håkon Schmidt
Per Håkon Schmidt
Embedded systems fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers
Embedded systems fundamentals with A...
Alexander G. Dean
Alexander G. Dean
Software project management
Software project management
Bob Hughes og Mike Cotterell
Bob Hughes og Mike Cotte...
Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming
Foundations of Multithreaded, Parall...
G. R. Andrews
G. R. Andrews
Software engineering
Software engineering
Ian Sommerville
Ian Sommerville
App revolutionen
App revolutionen
Christian Frost
Christian Frost
Fra idé til app
Fra idé til app
Steven Højlund
Christian Nielsen og Michael Thing
Steven Højlund, Christia...
Microsoft Project 2016
Microsoft Project 2016
Marianne Sjørslev
Marianne Sjørslev
Advanced PLC hardware & programming
Advanced PLC hardware & programm...
Frank Lamb
Frank Lamb
Software Engineering
Software Engineering
Roger S. Pressman
Roger S. Pressman
Apps programmering
Apps programmering
Bent Soelberg
Bent Soelberg
Embedded system design
Embedded system design
Frank Vahid og Tony Givargis
Frank Vahid og Tony Giva...
Jacob Bøtter
Jacob Bøtter
The avr microcontroller and embedded systems
The avr microcontroller and embedded...
Muhammad Ali Mazidi
Sarmad Naimi og Sepehr Naimi
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sar...
Statistics with Stata
Statistics with Stata
Lawrence C. Hamilton
Lawrence C. Hamilton
Balancing agility and discipline
Balancing agility and discipline
Barry Boehm og Richard Turner
Barry Boehm og Richard T...
Scrum and Xp from the Trenches
Scrum and Xp from the Trenches
Henrik Kniberg
Henrik Kniberg
User Stories Applied
User Stories Applied
Mike Cohn
Mike Cohn
Agile Game Development with Scrum
Agile Game Development with Scrum
Clinton Keith
Clinton Keith
Håndbog i struktureret programudvikling
Håndbog i struktureret programudvikl...
Stephen Biering-Sørensen m.fl.
Stephen Biering-Sørensen...
Software Engineering
Software Engineering
Roger S. Pressman og Bruce R. Maxim
Roger S. Pressman og Bru...
Kotlin programming
Kotlin programming
Josh Skeen og David Greenhalgh
Josh Skeen og David Gree...
Software engineering
Software engineering
Jibitesh Mishra og Ashok Mohanty
Jibitesh Mishra og Ashok...
Essential software architecture
Essential software architecture
Ian Gorton
Ian Gorton
A gentle introduction to Stata
A gentle introduction to Stata
Alan C. Acock
Alan C. Acock
Mastering ansible
Mastering ansible
James Freeman og Jesse Keating
James Freeman og Jesse K...
User interface inspection methods
User interface inspection methods
Chauncey Wilson
Chauncey Wilson
Next Generation SOA
Next Generation SOA
Thomas Erl m.fl.
Thomas Erl m.fl.
Software fortresses
Software fortresses
Roger Sessions
Roger Sessions
Peter McKinnon
Peter McKinnon
An introduction to Stata for health researchers
An introduction to Stata for health ...
Svend Juul og Morten Frydenberg
Svend Juul og Morten Fry...
Test driven development
Test driven development
Kent Beck
Kent Beck
Quality software project management: Volume 2
Quality software project management:...
Robert T. Futrell
Donald F. Shafer og Linda I. Shafer
Robert T. Futrell, Donal...
The agile samurai
The agile samurai
Jonathan Rasmusson
Jonathan Rasmusson
Design patterns
Design patterns
Erich Gamma m.fl.
Erich Gamma m.fl.
Stata - en praktisk introduktion
Stata - en praktisk introduktion
Kim Mannemar Sønderskov
Kim Mannemar Sønderskov
Maple syntaksen
Maple syntaksen