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Emneord: Systemdesign
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Computer architecture and organization
Computer architecture and organizati...
Subrata Ghoshal
Subrata Ghoshal
Embedded systems fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers
Embedded systems fundamentals with A...
Alexander G. Dean
Alexander G. Dean
Computer science distilled
Computer science distilled
Wladston Ferreira Filho
Wladston Ferreira Filho
Applying UML and patterns
Applying UML and patterns
Craig Larman
Craig Larman
Embedded system design
Embedded system design
Frank Vahid og Tony Givargis
Frank Vahid og Tony Giva...
Introduktion til UML
Introduktion til UML
Kendall Scott
Kendall Scott
Building recommender systems with machine learning and AI
Building recommender systems with ma...
Frank Kane
Frank Kane
The avr microcontroller and embedded systems
The avr microcontroller and embedded...
Muhammad Ali Mazidi
Sarmad Naimi og Sepehr Naimi
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sar...
Object-oriented analysis & design
Object-oriented analysis & design
Jan Stage m.fl.
Jan Stage m.fl.
Trading evolved
Trading evolved
Andreas F. Clenow
Andreas F. Clenow
Information systems development
Information systems development
David Avison og Guy Fitzgerald
David Avison og Guy Fitz...
User interface inspection methods
User interface inspection methods
Chauncey Wilson
Chauncey Wilson
Doing hard time
Doing hard time
Bruce Powel Douglass
Bruce Powel Douglass
UML distilled
UML distilled
Martin Fowler
Martin Fowler
UML 2 and the unified process
UML 2 and the unified process
Jim Arlow og Ila Neustadt
Jim Arlow og Ila Neustadt
Objektorienteret analyse & design
Objektorienteret analyse & design
Lars Mathiassen m.fl.
Lars Mathiassen m.fl.