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Emneord: Litteraturhistorie
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Litteraturhåndbogen - Bind 1: Litteraturhistorisk oversigt
Litteraturhåndbogen - Bind 1: Litter...
Joshua Raulerson
Joshua Raulerson
Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana - 1: De los orígenes a la emancipación
Historia de la literatura hispanoame...
José Miguel Oviedo
José Miguel Oviedo
The Norton anthology of American literature: 1865 to present
The Norton anthology of American lit...
Litteraturens linjer
Litteraturens linjer
Johannes Fibiger
Johannes Fibiger
The Norton anthology of American literature: Beginnings to 1865
The Norton anthology of American lit...
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 2: 1800-1870
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 2:...
Sune Auken m.fl.
Sune Auken m.fl.
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 4: 1920-1960
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 4:...
Søren Schou m.fl.
Søren Schou m.fl.
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 1: 1100-1800
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 1:...
Vibeke A. Pedersen m.fl.
Vibeke A. Pedersen m.fl.
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 5: 1960-2000
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 5:...
Lars Handesten m.fl.
Lars Handesten m.fl.
The Norton anthology of english literature: the major authors - Bind 2: The romantic period through the twentieh and twenty-first centuries
The Norton anthology of english lite...
The Norton anthology of english literature: the major authors - Bind 1: The middle ages through the restoration and the eighteenth century
The Norton anthology of english lite...
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 3: 1870-1920
Dansk litteraturs historie - Bind 3:...
Lise Busk-Jensen m.fl.
Lise Busk-Jensen m.fl.
The Norton anthology of American literature - Volume 1: Beginnings to 1865
The Norton anthology of American lit...
The Norton anthology of American literature - Volume 2: 1865 to the present
The Norton anthology of American lit...
Hvad med litteraturen?
Hvad med litteraturen?
Stjernebilleder - Bind 1: Børnelitteratur - teori og metode
Stjernebilleder - Bind 1: Børnelitte...
Anna Karlskov Skyggebjerg m.fl.
Anna Karlskov Skyggebjer...
Virkeligheden eksploderer
Virkeligheden eksploderer
Catharina Corvu m.fl.
Catharina Corvu m.fl.
Under produktion
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: the shorter version - Volume 2
The Norton Anthology of English Lite...
Stephen Greenblatt
Stephen Greenblatt
Under produktion
Under produktion
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: the shorter version - Volume 1
The Norton Anthology of English Lite...
Stephen Greenblatt
Stephen Greenblatt
Under produktion
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