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Emneord: Fonetik
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The sounds of the world's languages
The sounds of the world's langu...
Peter Ladefoged og Ian Maddieson
Peter Ladefoged og Ian M...
Fonetikens grunder
Fonetikens grunder
Olle Engstrand
Olle Engstrand
A course in phonetics
A course in phonetics
Peter Ladefoged
Peter Ladefoged
Larry M. Hyman
Larry M. Hyman
An introduction to phonetics and phonology
An introduction to phonetics and pho...
John Clark
Colin Yallop og Janet Fletcher
John Clark, Colin Yallop...
The Sounds of English
The Sounds of English
Ocke-Schwen Bohn og Tim Caudery
Ocke-Schwen Bohn og Tim ...
Phonetik und Phonologie
Phonetik und Phonologie
Richard Wiese
Richard Wiese
Speech and language processing
Speech and language processing
Daniel Jurafsky og James H. Martin
Daniel Jurafsky og James...
Jan Heegård Petersen m.fl.
Jan Heegård Petersen m.f...
Rødgrød med fløde
Rødgrød med fløde
Nina Grønnum
Nina Grønnum
Principles of phonetics
Principles of phonetics
John Laver
John Laver
Lærebog i italiensk fonetik
Lærebog i italiensk fonetik
Gunver Skytte
Gunver Skytte
The sounds of language
The sounds of language
Elizabeth C. Zsiga
Elizabeth C. Zsiga