The physiology of crop yield
CONTENTS.Preface.Acknowledgements.1. Introduction.2. Development and Phenology. How Crops Fit Their Environment: Concepts and Case Histories.2.1 Crop Development: Concepts and Tools.2.1.1 Growth Stages and Phasic Development.2.1.2 Events at the Stem Apex: The Leek as a Simple Model Species.2.1.3 Events at Stem Apices: Branching and Reproductive Development in Wheat.2.1.4 Events at Stem Apices: The Consequences of Separation of Male and Female Organs in Maize.2.1.5 Phenology Determined by Events at Axillary Meristems: Determinate and Indeterminate Soybean Varieties.2.1.6 Components of Yield.2.2 Case Histories: The Influence of Environment and Management on Crop Development and Phenology.2.2.1 Convergence and Synchrony: The Influence of Sowing Date on Winter Wheat in Northern Europe.2.2.2 Crop Improvement and the Anthesis-Silking Interval in maize.2.2.3 Adaptation of Soybean to Different Latitudes: Phasic Analysis of the Photoperiodic Control of Flowering.2.2.4 Development in Storage: Physiological Age and Tuber Initiation in the Potato.2.2.5 Complementary Phenologies and Plant Habits in Mixed Cropping: Temperate Grass/Clover Swards.3. Interception of Solar Radiation by the Canopy.3.1 The Life History of a Leaf.3.2 The Components of Plant Leaf Area Expansion.3.2.1 Crop Emergence.3.2.2 Leaf Production.3.2.3 Leaf Expansion.3.2.4 Branching.3.2.5 Senescence, Removal and Damage: Leaf Life Span.3.3 The Development of the Crop Canopy: Leaf Area Index.3.3.1 Seasonal Development of Leaf Area Index.3.3.2 Leaf Area Index and Crop Management.3.4 Canopy Architecture and the Interception of Solar Radiation.3.4.1 Seasonal Patterns of Interception.3.4.2 Optimum and Critical Leaf Area Indices.3.4.3 Leaf Photosynthesis and Canopy Properties.3.4.4 Canopy Extinction Coefficient.4. Photosynthesis and Photorespiration.4.1 Introduction.4.2 Photosynthetic Efficiency.4.3 Photosynthetic Processes.4.3.1 Photosynthesis as a Cellular Biochemical Process.4.3.2 Photosynthesis a